Tips to Prepare your Child for School Admission Interview

Tips to Prepare your Child for School Admission Interview

Tips to Prepare your Child for School Admission Interview

Tips to Prepare your Child for School Admission Interview

Tips to Prepare your Child for School Admission Interview

The concept of interviewing a child for Toddlers and Nursery admission is long done away with in most schools. The most important thing to remember is that your child puts a good impression on the person or teacher interacting with the child at the time of admission. This is only possible if during the Early Years Foundation Stage you provide your child an environment that helps him/her to grow and develop to be capable, confident and self-assured in new surroundings.
The environment in which a child plays and learns has always been an important factor to consider when thinking about child’s development. Giving children the physical and mental space to enable learning is the key to their growth and development.

Make your child confident and independent

Provide interesting objects and resources to your child to explore independently, allow him to decide what he wants to play, where and with whom he wants to play. This will help him in decision making, enhance his confidence and allow him to become independent.

Develop Social skills

Allow your child to become acquainted with other children and adults maybe relatives and neighbours so that he is comfortable with people other than just family members. The more exposure you provide, the more he/she will be comfortable in new environment and surroundings.

Inculcate Good Manners and Etiquettes

Teach your child how to greet others, how to introduce himself and teach him basic etiquettes. The moment a child greets and introduces himself/herself with confidence, half the battle is won. Work on his conversational skills so that he can express himself and convey his needs and even understand the questions being asked.

Provide good exposure

Make your child aware of the surroundings, names of common things, colours, shapes, names of fruits vegetables, animals etc. Provide him with different study materials and toys to strengthen his knowledge.

Do a Proper Research on The Schools you Want to Apply for

Do a thorough study of the schools you want to apply for – go through their websites, find out their culture and talk to people whose children are already studying in those schools.

Make The Day of Interview a Special Day for Your Child

Dress-up your child properly for the interview. Make the interaction day in school a special day for your child. Dress up formally and be on time. The child should look neat and clean with trimmed nails, hair combed neatly and the child should be aware of basic hygiene, example using a napkin for wiping his mouth, throwing wrappers in dustbin etc.

These are some important points that we can work upon to prepare the child for school interviews. Apart from this, you can conduct some mock interviews at home and also expose him to mock interviews conducted in playschools to make your child comfortable.
But it is a request for all parents not to be over anxious and expect too much from their little ones as this can filter down to your child and create a fear of interview. Let the process be natural and I am sure it will lead to success.

All the best!!!!


Written By :- Ms. Anupama Dutta, Pre Primary Coordinator, MRIS, Noida