How to Improve Learning Habits in Children?

learning habit

How to Improve Learning Habits in Children?

How to Improve Learning Habits in Children?

How to Improve Learning Habits in Children?

How to Improve Learning Habits in Children?

Students often believe that studying in the class is all that they need. They only sit down to revise material one day before the exam. They think studying is just revisiting or reading material once. But studying is so much more than that.
Studying is only successful when you have understood the concept, when you are able to conduct it in practicality and with its different applications and when you are able to make use of your knowledge in daily life.
The following tips can be useful for students of all ages and make their study time more productive and useful.

Discover your learning style

We all have a preferred way or method of learning. These methods vary from person to person and can be a combination of different things and not one particularly. These different styles can be categorized into four main learning styles:

  • Visual learning style is where we study best with visual aids. Using diagrams, figures, color-coding, patterns and videos works the best. Most of us are visual learners as it easily able to grab our attention. 
  • Auditory learning style is where we learn by listening well. There are students who are able to study well repeating verbally what they want to memorize as well. 
  • Reading or Writing learners are those who like to write to be able to learn. They are a combination of kinesthetic and visual learners who are to remember better what was written by their own hands. 
  • Kinesthetic learning style is where we learn from doing an action. Such students enjoy physical activity and need to be on the move. They learn the best from role plays, building models, making flashcards and drawing diagrams.

If you’re aware of your learning you will better be able to grasp concepts and save time in learning and remembering as well. 

Fixed time for studies :- Creating a fixed time table can be very beneficial. It is important to follow this time table not only during exams but in regular school days as well. It will promote a healthy habit and prevent you from reaching a stage of exhaustion.

Keep your focus:- It is easy to get distracted while you’re studying as everything else in the world would look more interesting! But let’s use self-talk to remind ourselves of what’s important. Use your distractions as a reward after setting a goal for yourself. Only on completion of that goal should you indulge in your distraction later. 

Productive place for study:- Make sure you have a separate space for just studying. It helps you focus and it promotes a mindset of discipline. Every time that you still it will be easier for you to focus as that space would be limited of distractions. For auditory learners, it can be beneficial to use music as a way to enhance focus whereas for visual learners laptops/computers to make notes can be beneficial. Make sure all your resources are within your reach so you don’t waste time looking for them.

Balance study time and entertainment:- It is important not to exhaust yourself. Anything learned distractedly will not remain in your memory for long and may not be fruitful in time of need. To make sure that you don’t exhaust yourself take appropriate breaks and come back refreshed. You can struggle with the same amount of material for hours whereas taking a break for half an hour can help you to finish it in within the hour later. Incorporating proper diet and exercise is also important. A balanced mind and body will show you brilliant results. 

Sleeping pattern:- Sleeping pattern is often taken casually. It is crucial that you take out time to sleep properly. The body goes to the procedure of replenishing itself while we sleep. This is a crucial time for the body to regain its energy. The mind or the body cannot function on low sleep and greatly impacts productivity. Let’s make sure to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every day. Plan your day accordingly and never compromise on sleeping.

Prioritize your study material:- Make sure you prioritize what needs to be learnt first and what can be left for later. Prioritizing makes sure you are able to cover the important things first. It helps you to organize your time better and increases productivity. It also helps you to analyze the workload and focus.

Make useful notes:- Make sure you make notes while you’re studying. The notes need not be perfect or completely organized. Notes should be made in a manner that gives you the best understanding. The point should be written in a way that provides you with the proper cue that is required to understand the material. Notes should be personal and according to your understanding. They are also a good way to reflect if you have understood a concept incorrectly and can even help you to reflect on your understanding.

Reward yourself:- Every goal has an end and a sense of achievement. This feeling motivates us to make more goals and put more effort into achieving them. The more effort we put the feeling of achievement gets stronger as well. So let’s not forget to reward ourselves regularly frequently for the amazing work we do every day!

“The big secret is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work.” –Oprah Winfrey

Setting goals is an important step that helps to begin our path towards achievement. You have done and achieved so much and there is so much more that you can do! There is no limit to creativity or things to learn. Let’s focus on how to improve our learning habits so we’re better able to utilize our time and productivity as well as achieve all our goals.

Written By :- Ms. Yashna David, Student Counselor Manav Rachna International School Noida