Students of Early Years celebrated Earth Day

Students of Early Years celebrated Earth Day

Students of Early Years celebrated Earth Day

Students of Early Years celebrated Earth Day

Even the lockdown couldn’t stop the little guardians of Earth from being together in doing their bit to save Mother Earth.  This year, on the occasion of the Earth Day, teachers and little ones of Early Years were seen dressed up in green and blue color for their virtual learning classes to mark Earth Day. Educators through online sessions sensitized them about the conservation of natural resources and motivated them to do their bit towards making their planet even more beautiful. Children created an earth day craft using recycled paper and sang songs and rhymes on Mother Earth. Everyone took a promise to take care of the planet. Children along with their parents were seen watering the plants, sowing seeds, creating best out of waste, saving water and electricity.

I am responsible…….

I am responsible for everything I think,

I am responsible for everything I say,

I am responsible for everything I do,

I am responsible and so are you.

I am responsible for taking care of Mother Earth


#gogreen #saveearth