Virtual Tour

Mentioned above are some of the tools used for online teaching of Mathematics. Students witnessed an array of methodologies taken up to make sessions engaging for them, be it use of whiteboard with different parameters illustrated with different color markers or taking up applets to create a hands-on platform to try concepts like plotting of co-ordinates, Venn diagrams, conducting quiz or using software to depict graphical illustration of trigonometric functions and variations created by changing the parameters.

“Facilitators have three loves: love of learning, love of learners and the love of bringing the first two together”

Students are always encouraged to discover new things that bring out the joy of learning a subject. They are encouraged for “Learning by doing”. Here, they find the essence of a particular topic by doing it themselves either by- experimenting, flip learning, DIY activities at home, poster making, Project, etc. We strongly believe that to prepare oneself for tomorrow means to be prepared from today itself, thus after all the sessions, teachers usually undertake “ONLINE TEST MODULES” to give a feel to the students to be comfortable to face any competitive examinations in future.

In the end, we are happy and contented that our students are happy learners and try to make their environment enriching and refreshing!!