Workshop on ‘Learn and Lead’

Workshop on ‘Learn and Lead’

Workshop on ‘Learn and Lead’

Workshop on ‘Learn and Lead’

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

MRIS, Ludhiana revolves around the philosophy of making its students leave a trail of their own wherever they go. This ideology has always been the mission statement of the School Management and the entire MRIS team. With the sole aim of empowering the kids into resilient leaders, the school hosted a workshop on ‘Learn and Lead’ in collaboration with ‘JCI India’ recently. The takeaway from the workshop was a sure shot rocket science to help the children distinguish between a follower and a leader, and how one can convert the fiascos into conquests.

Mr. Gautam Sikri talked about the various characteristics and practices that go into leadership and mentoring. He explained to the audience that leading people is both science and art, and is acquired with consistent diligence and meticulousness. He familiarized the students that decision making is an important attribute of Leadership and should be done after looking into the pros and cons of a situation.