Grade II Students presented a ‘Comedy Show’ on World Health Day

Grade II Students presented a ‘Comedy Show’ on World Health Day

“Laughter is the best medicine”
“He who laughs … lasts!”

A good laugh indeed provides a therapeutic effect on our body, heart, mind and soul. While a hearty laugh makes you distinguishable in the crowd, it also improves the function of our vascular system.

On the occasion of World Heart Day, Grade II students of MRIS-46, Gurugram presented a ‘Comedy Show’ during their Life Skills slot. On the day, funny painted faces with exaggerated expressions and mimics of characters like Charlie Chaplin & Minion made everybody’s stomachs go on merry-go –round trip. While some made others rolling on their seats by cracking hilarious jokes, some tricked them with their magic. Children showed their versatility on the virtual platform by taking control as presenters and showing their PPTs to solve riddles during the session.