Primary Years Sector-46, Gurugram

The Primary Years in MRIS-46, Gurugram encompasses Grades III-V. It is the age group which lays the foundation of formal education in children. We impart education not only through books, but through real-life experiences in a safe and nurturing environment with loving facilitators. Our well- thought school curriculum celebrates the uniqueness of the child as is expressed in each child’s personality, intelligence and potential for development and progress. It is designed to nurture the child in all dimensions of their life- spiritual, moral, cognitive, emotional, imaginative, aesthetic, social and physical. It focuses on the 21st century skills in all the students- Language and Communication skills, Analytical skills, Leadership skills are a few to mention.

Understanding differences, Civic Literacy, Community Outreach Programs, Edu-Trips, care for the environment and adopting United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) are an integral part for the students of primary wing. All these activities are interwoven into the curriculum along with the seven pillars of the learning areas- Languages and Literacy, Numeracy, CREST, Sports and Well-Being, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, and Life Skills- Soft Skills and Technical Skills. The amalgamation of the seven pillars of learning, the methodology, execution of the curriculum, and the diverse aspects of assessment help us set the stage for a stable and balanced education for the students in Primary Wing.

Language Development

Language development lays the foundation for the reading and writing skills in children as they enter and progress through school. Language is needed for all aspects of their education in the classroom as they connect with peers and teachers, and throughout their lives as they grow into adulthood. So, developing language skills is of absolute significance….

Visual Arts

Primary Years is the best time in student’s lives. Everything is beautiful and colourful for them. They are wonderstruck by the natural beauty around them. Manav Rachna gives their students the opportunity to continue to excel in their radiant and bright world of imagination, nudging them a little to express themselves through the strokes of a pencil and brush….

Performing Arts

Performing Arts too is an integral part of our curriculum in the Primary School. We encourage students to actively involve themselves in this art form as it is not only an opportunity to showcase their talent but it also helps refresh one’s body, mind, and soul. It acts almost like therapy, building courage, self-confidence, and promoting growth….

Soft Skills

Along with academics, it’s a prerequisite to have the skill to deal with life, emotions and relationships. At MRIS, Soft Skills curriculum focuses on Empathy and Compassion, Values, Response-ability, Self-Awareness, Pro-social skills which are a combination of people skills, social skills, communication skills character trait, attitudes…


CREST is a unique child-centred and concept building curriculum which nurtures 21st century skills in the children from the very beginning of their formal education. In tune with current global practices, the two subjects Science and Social Studies have been integrated into one core area, CREST. It aims to help children make sense of life’s experiences…

Sports & Well Being

As somebody has rightly said “Success is a sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out”. We at MRIS truly believe that Sports play a crucial part in a student’s overall growth and harmonious development. To facilitate this, we have created the infrastructure for sports, both, outdoor as well as indoor games like Cricket, Football..

Community Outreach Programs

Community outreach is an initiative by the Clan Vertical ISR team of our school, designed to help and encourage disadvantaged members of the community. At the same time, it instills the importance of cultivating an awareness of human circumstances and differences that extend beyond the students’ classroom experiences…

Importance of Annual Events

In the last decade, we have all witnessed a paradigm shift in education, and rightly so. Schools are no longer merely academic centres but institutions for holistic growth and development of the individual. It is the duty of every educator and institution to provide the ambience and opportunities to encourage and develop confident practical individuals….


Manav Rachna International School, Sec-46 library encourages curiosity, innovation and problem-solving among children. It is integral to the cultural and social life of the school. The school library is a central point for all kinds of reading, cultural activities, access to information, knowledge building, deep thinking and lively discussion….

Tinker Shala

The Tinkering Projects as a part of FS & S program, which link SDGs and STEM activities, primarily incorporate design solutions, industry connect, entrepreneurship, innovation, SDG plug-ins (economic, social, climate, and environmental), self-awareness and values, 21st-century skills, and life skills.


This division functions in inculcating the spirit of healthy competition and ensuring maximum participation of students in various activities. It also creates a sense of teamwork, integrity, self-esteem, leadership, responsibility and self-less attitude in students as they strive towards making their Clan excel by contributing through….

Special Assemblies

Special assemblies are an important feature of MRIS school routine. These are occasional assemblies conducted at MRIS on special occasions such as national festivals, cultural festivals, nationally and internationally observed days, for example, Earth Day, Children’s Day etc. These assemblies make students aware of various facts events….


The philosophy of MRIS as stated in  its  purpose statement of  MISSION VISSION  is – ‘To ensure that all learners  get equal opportunities to realize their full potential….’

Besides giving special emphasis on academic excellence, MRIS provides freedom and space for individual expression and exploring opportunities for personality and skill development. Especially, the most important years of a human life i.e. till the age of 10-11 years, are given utmost priority for all-round development.

While various inter-school competitions give opportunity to students to showcase their skills, intra -school competitions such as Clan competitions at various levels give them a platform to hone their skills. On one hand, where the school encourages students to participate in these competitions, on the other hand, the teachers guide and facilitate other students to tap their hidden potential. Different class-wise and grade-wise activities based on language development, speaking skills, visual art, music and dance, theatre etc. not only help children develop these skills but also provide an opportunity for self-expression.

Emphasis is given to incorporate activities based on differentiated learning while planning the syllabus, thus giving equal opportunity to all. While hands-on activities and research work help children to analyse and derive a solution to a given problem, Edu-trips provide an opportunity to examine the world and surroundings. Making self-learners is the motto of MRIS.

Makershala takes them into the world of technology while developing scientific temperament and provides them opportunities for new innovations. We believe that in Primary school giving them exposure to various sports the school has to offer will help them explore their own strengths for a particular sport.

We believe that this ‘Life is a stage’ and each one of us is performing on it. So, we also encourage full participation of our young learners during stage performances on Annual days, Theme-based Class Assemblies and Sports day. Soft skill development programmes, Community reach programmes and Annual projects provide children an opportunity to look at the future with a different perspective keeping human and moral values alive.

“Opportunities are in abundance ……. Go grab it!”