‘Show and Tell’ Activity at Nursery

‘Show and Tell’ Activity at Nursery

‘Show and Tell’ Activity at Nursery

‘Show and Tell’ Activity at Nursery

‘Let’s Pretend’ theme unwinds new boundaries of learning, exploration and imagination through nurturing creativity and social understanding among students. Imaginative play not only provides enjoyment but also helps children to understand the real world around them.

To strengthen their knowledge and to reinforce effective communication skills, show and tell activity was organised for the students of Nursery at MRIS-14, Faridabad where kids were given the platform to enhance their descriptive skills by communicating their feelings, thoughts and emotions through words. Children carried props to pretend to be their favourite community helper and they were really excited and enthusiastic to share about their favourite community helper with their peers.

It was an interesting and a thrilling experience for the kids to share their feelings with peers.