Students won laurels at CBSE National Gymnastics Championship

Students won laurels at CBSE National Gymnastics Championship

Students won laurels at CBSE National Gymnastics Championship

Students won laurels at CBSE National Gymnastics Championship

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying and most of all Love for what you are doing or learning to do”.

A journey of thousand miles of success begins with a single step and one such step was taken by our acrobatic gymnastic performer Varuna Aggarwal who won Silver Medal for Ribbon Apparatus in Rhythmic Gymnastics Individual Entry (under 11 category). She along with other students of MRIS-14, Faridabad, participated in the CBSE NATIONAL GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIP held at Allahabad recently.

The Artistic team (under 11 category) from MRIS-14: Naveeka Rishi, Sahar Mohindra and Anshitta Thakkar received appreciation for their participation and commendable performance. They all were appreciated and motivated by Director Principal, Ms. Mamta Wadhwa.