Rotary District 3011 awarded Interact Club 

Rotary District 3011 awarded Interact Club 

Rotary District 3011 awarded Interact Club 

Rotary District 3011 awarded Interact Club 

Rotary District 3011 awarded Interact Club 

The Interact Club of MRIS-Charmwood has been awarded appreciation certificate for their remarkable projects during the session 2018-19 by the Rotary District 3011 during its first DIRA (District Interact Recognition and Award) ceremony held recently.

The award was presented by District Governor, Rtn. Vinay Bhatia to the office bearers (President-Jayant Bhalla, Vice-President-Anushka Raina, Secretary-Sia Kapoor, Treasurer-Vanishka Sethi), teacher-in-charge of the club (Ms. Preeti Taneja) and Ms. Srishti Gulati.

He appreciated the projects done by the club and encouraged the students to keep working towards making the world a better place to live.

Ms. Arpita Chakraborty, Principal, MRIS-Charmwood congratulated the students and teacher-in-charge, and lauded their hard work and sincere efforts towards making every Interact Club project a  big success.