Tasting Sweet Activity of Toddlers

Tasting Sweet Activity of Toddlers

To culminate the current theme, ‘It’s Yummy’, the Toddlers were involved in a variety of activities to learn about various foods, and two major types of tastes etc. The tots painted the vegetable cut outs and then dabbed the same on paper. This activity helped them know about the colour, texture and names of various vegetables along with the enhancement of their fine motor skills.

Afterwards, ‘Tasting Sweet and Salty Food’ Activity was conducted to make the children aware about the two main tastes- Sweet and Salty. The little ones tasted sweet Chocó’s and salty French fries and expressed the difference they felt in their tastes.

Lastly the ‘Corn Craft and Bubbly Grapes’ Activity was carried out. The children finger painted the corns and created grapes out of the bubble wrap dabbing technique. All in all these were the most informative and joyful sessions the little ones experienced.