Pyjama Party for Nursery Kids

Pyjama Party for Nursery Kids

What an amazing amalgamation of colourful pyjamas, mushy pillows, soft toys and fun it was, during the ‘Pyjama Party’ at MRIS, Mohali for nursery kids. Dressed up in their snazziest night dresses and carrying their favourite soft toy for a sleepover with their best friends, the children and in-charges made the most of this day.

Cherry on the cake: cupcakes and sweet drinks!!

The Play area was transformed into a haven of moon and stars with balloons and bedding to go along with the decorations. The children swayed to their favourite numbers, played games, crossed the tunnels to reach their den and pretended to sleep along. The children were thrilled to play with balloons, their favourite toys and enjoyed their favourite snacks!!

The objective behind the Pyjama Party was to assert independence amongst children, to develop social connections and to inculcate the habit of sleeping without their mommy. It was truly mesmerizing to see the little tots energetic and cheerful.