Welcome Assembly of Students after the Summer Break

Welcome Assembly of Students after the Summer Break

Welcome Assembly of Students after the Summer Break

Welcome Assembly of Students after the Summer Break

Welcome Assembly of Students after the Summer Break

“Summer vacations have passed,

A rejuvenated school year starts,

There’s reading, drilling and spelling too,

Team work and blessings will get us through.”

After a relaxed vacation with the spirits held high, Manav Rachna International School, Ludhiana has reopened after summer break. The children walked into the campus for their journey towards joyous learning with bright and cheerful faces. Meeting their friends and exciting discussions added fuel to their energies for a sparkling start.

To extend a formal welcome, a special assembly was conducted by the teachers. The day started by seeking the blessings of Almighty followed by a welcome song. A recital emphasizing the significance of courage motivated the students to be committed and assiduous in all their endeavours. A host of learning based activities were conducted for the students creating a splendid aura of magnificent erudition.

Respected Principal, Ms. Anju Dhawan shared the mantra of the day, ‘Good is the enemy of best’The riveting story narrated by her motivated the students.

The appreciatory badges given to the students for their crisp, prompt and correct answers set the ball rolling for the session and year ahead.

We all need to learn and grow……till our good becomes better and our better becomes BEST.