Techno Freaks

Techno Freaks

In Techno Freak Event, Grade 5 students performed an activity called “Paper circuit card with LED”. Students made use of crayons, chart paper, button cells and LED to make attractive cards that glow when touched on certain areas. These types of activities inculcate and groom the skills of technology as well as arts into the students making possible the all-round development of children. Students showcased their creative skills by drawing greetings and then presented their scientific skills by making circuit connections using copper tape.

Straw Bridge Challenge

Students made bridge structures using straws, cardboard, paper tape etc with the concept of balancing the structures by creating symmetrical architecture on both the sides. Students were tested on the basis of technicality in creating structure, creativity in making innovative designs, problem- solving to make and balance the bridge and overall presentation that demonstrated their ideas.

All the students came up with unique ideas of making balanced bridge structures.

Way to go MRIS, Ludhiana Techno Freaks!!