Soft Skills

Virtual Tour

“It is not the strongest or most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” 

This Charles Darwin Theory is a prerequisite of the soft skills curriculum followed at MRIS-51. It has become a part of the curriculum planning along with academics. Soft skills at MRIS focuses on people skills, social skills, communication skills, character trait, attitude, social and emotional wellbeing combined and collaborated with Empathy and Compassion, Values, Response-ability, Self-Awareness and Pro-social skills. Including soft skills has made the MRIS student to be responsible, self-aware, motivated, self-confident and flexible individuals in the larger context of the society. Responsibility and Response-ability are taught with real life situations. Effort, Respect, Integrity, and Ethics – the core values are inculcated through customized age and grade appropriate activities and tasks. The activities are designed in such a way that it encourages- Discussions, Brainstorming, Debate, Evaluation, Analysis and Collaboration for holistic development of personality, attitude and character.