Our Senior Wing resonates with the Vision and Mission of the Manav Rachna International Schools which envisages the learner at the centre of the teaching-learning process by promoting Self-learning, Inclusive Education, innovative teaching learning pedagogies, and blending of n-person and online learning in a communicative and collaborative learning environment.

The Senior wing balances rigorous academics with a multitude of activities, programs and events to stimulate the young dynamism and fiery spirit of our students. The campus promotes an Inclusive learning environment which gives every individual the freedom of expression and the freedom to be. The school manages a fine balance between scholastic and co-scholastic interests and pursuits of the learners by providing them equal opportunities to learn, flourish and grow. We encourage students to develop and hone a multitude of skills by exposing them to various local, national as well as international platforms. Some of the activities which we strongly promote and adhere to are listed below.


Model United Nations is an interactive educational activity in which students simulate the workings of the UN or one of its many organs. In this era of globalization, being globally aware is more important than ever. It’s a fun way of learning about the world.

Students learn about the world problems in MUN club as they prepare for the conferences, represent countries other than their own and present possible solutions to global problems in committee.

MUN activity is a platform for students to step into the shoes of international diplomats and discuss world issues like Economic Depressions, Civil Wars, Nationwide Emergencies, and much more. It helps the students to think beyond and analyze situations, and be prepared for the worst through debates and conferences. Our students participate in MUN conferences pan India.

Vidyanatariksha Model United Nations is an event organized by Manav Rachna International School, Sector 46, Gurugram, Haryana. Being one of the most challenging MUNs, Vidyanatariksha Model United Nations attracts delegate participation PAN India. We intend to create an environment conducive for fruitful debate and meaningful discussion on issues that are of global concern.

All these sessions are thought-provoking and help students in developing their debating skills, leadership skills, critical thinking, confidence, teamwork and public speaking. Our students have been challenging traditions.


In the modern workplace, you need more than technical skills to be successful in your career. Today’s employers seek candidates who can perform their jobs well but who can also fit into the company culture and interact with other employees.

In order to do these things successfully, students need to develop effective soft skills. Soft Skills training programs enhance students’ ability to deal effectively with surroundings and make sound decisions. Soft skills are attributes that enable you to engage in meaningful interactions with others. Since most jobs require teamwork, it’s important to possess soft skills to enhance your employability and achieve your dream job. They will help you increase your productivity in your career, build professional relationships and thrive at your job.

Soft Skills sessions have been a continuous endeavor of MRIS 46. During these trying times, students are trained through the online medium. We have successfully been able to train students on time management skill, effective communication, building effective interpersonal skill, decision making skill and teamwork. The sessions take place with the help of interactive activities, power point presentations and videos.


Gone are the days when the only career options to choose from were limited to a handful of well-known and respectable professions. Individuals today, have much more flexibility and many more options when it comes to choosing a right career and being successful in their area of interest. Thinking out-of-the-box is truly the mantra of today! Today, when a 10-year old announces his intention of becoming a tennis player, in all likelihood, he means it! Moreover, the parents too are likely to be supportive of the choices made. Youngsters today have the option of choosing careers in areas other than what were earlier considered the traditional favorites, i.e. medicine, engineering, civil services, management, journalism, the list goes on – as a parent, we are sure you know them well.

Our career counseling department organizes various career awareness programs for students through workshops and through classroom interactions. Experts from various professions and fields are also invited to interact with the students.

The Senior School collaborates closely with Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, and Manav Rachna University in giving exposure to our senior school students to participate in International Education fairs, attend webinars organized by affiliated foreign Universities and get assistance in going for admissions in these world class colleges and Universities.

As mentors of students in high school, our greatest concern is to help them choose right subjects to make suitable career choices. Mindscan organizes Psychometric Testing followed by an individual counselling session by our school counsellors with both the parents with their ward as per the appointment given by the class teacher. Mindscan’s Aptitude Test Report along with child’s academic and extracurricular achievements is discussed with parents and student together in these sessions.

Students are also taken for field and industry visits. Our counsellor’s and teachers are approachable and available for any career-related needs and recommendations etc.


The school promotes an environment of innovation and creativity where students are encouraged to showcase their talent and business acumen by participating in various international and national level competitions, cultivating Design Thinking, help develop unconventional talents and skills, and introduces skills of Financial Literacy at an early age.

The school has taken up Financial Literacy modules to be made part of the Senior School Curriculum from the academic session 2020-21 onwards. It is our endeavour to help our students gain perspective and critical thinking ability and convert problems into opportunities by engaging them in inter school competitions, student-led business plans and student-led practices in school.

Financial Skills is the ability to make informed judgments and decisions regarding the use and management of money. Financial Skills helps in improving the quality of life by promoting, budgeting, disciplined savings and an intelligent use of credit. It is helpful for important decisions of life like home buying, education and growth etc. Financial Skills is an essential life skill for Gen Y. To begin with, concepts of Money Management will be taught in Senior School with Basics of Money and Money Management. The course is designed in a lucid manner which will cover Journey of Money, basic tools for managing one’s personal finance effectively.


The Senior School makes arduous efforts to develop the Core Competencies for inculcating SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) and Leadership skills in learners by giving them enough opportunities for Self Awareness, Self-Management, social awareness, interpersonal skills and responsible decision making. Students are encouraged to be in complete charge of many school programmes like the MUN, arranging webinars and workshops, and initiating student development programmes. The School boasts of an efficient, effective and highly motivated Student Council who works round the clock for the welfare and empowerment of their peers and thus, encourages the school to come up with student-friendly initiatives and programmes.


The world is in need of passionate humans who can, when required, lead responsibly and when required, follow mindfully. We need a young generation that is a part of the solution and can express itself responsibly.

Senior school students of MRIS-46, have been a part of a couple of marches, to express their concern over the rapidly deteriorating condition of our planet and at the same time, also pledging their support to the Government.

Senior school students of MRIS-46, have been a part of a couple of marches, to express their concern over the rapidly deteriorating condition of our planet and at the same time, also pledging their support to the Government. The senior school student members of the No Planet “B” (NPB) committee, an initiative of our students to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, are now ready to mentor their juniors to carry the baton forward.


ADOPTION OF A SCHOOL AT BADSHAHPUR- To imbibe the values of commitment to the upliftment of socially and economically disadvantaged groups of the society, the school has adopted Government Girls Senior Secondary School, Junior Wing. The students and teachers contribute by way of regular visits to the school campus and lend a helping hand through peer teaching, providing their knowledge, expertise and services. The school has helped build an elaborate library, install RO for clean drinking water, does regular maintenance of the toilets, and machinery like computers and electrical appliances, carries out tasks of keeping the campus clean, maintaining its gardens and regular white wash annually. The students also pay a visit for celebrations and distribute sweets on these visits. The school encourages students to share their stationery, books, toys etc with the students so that they imbibe a sense of social responsibility and community leadership at an early age.


The school organises regular workshops for students of senior school regarding topics of general interest like Gender Sensitization, Cyber Security, Bullying and Dealing with Peer Pressure and Examination Stress etc. Students also do internships with imminent organisations like the Fortis Memorial, join various social campaigns to spread awareness about issues plaguing our society like the Gurgaon Campaign, the Aravalli Campaign etc and work enthusiastically with NGO’s like NeoFusion, a nationally certified NGO which aims to work with adolescent children, school dropouts and the unemployed youth of India.


The senior school is well-equipped with an enterprising and well qualified faculty which is career-driven, resilient and adaptable. They are excellent time managers who are able to work well under pressure – collaboratively or autonomously, as the situation requires. The teaching learning strategies include Peer and Self Learning, Flip classrooms, Blended Learning, Learning by doing, Field visits to historical monuments, financial institutions, Bio Diversity parks, Industries and manufacturing units, Waste management plants, Village Panchayats etc. The school focuses a lot on blending online with offline learning and has devised various strategies to increase the involvement of students in their learning journey by using new tools and teaching pedagogies. Regular Micro teaching sessions within departments helps in strong collaborative ties between the faculty members along with strengthening the course content of every member.

Every year the school arranges for a 15-day Crash Course for Board classes, Grades 10 & 12, in the month of Jan/Feb for revision and recapitulation of concepts and for a comprehensive preparation of the students going for the Board exams.

Regular Remedial classes are held on all working Saturdays for doubt clearing and revision of concepts.


The school lays a lot of importance on working in close collaboration with the parents. Regular Parent Teacher interactions are organised to share their concerns, feedback and suggestions.


The Senior School boasts of state-of-the-art sports infrastructure and very well-qualified and experienced coaches for training students for various sports and preparing them for competitions at various levels. The physical well-being of the students is an important aspect of the overall curriculum of the school.

The School has a well-built infrastructure for various sporting activities and provides a lot of indoor and outdoor sports facilities. It has a huge field and it’s used for many sports/games such as football, cricket, volleyball, archery and covered basketball and lawn tennis court. The school has a semi Olympic sized swimming pool as well.

Indoor sports facilities include Table tennis, chess, carom, Taekwondo, yoga and 10-meter shooting range. The school has a team of qualified coaches and physical education teachers for all above mentioned games.

The Senior School Sports faculty is involved in organizing Inter -clan competitions in the school for developing interest in Sports activities and making students fitter and healthier. It also organized the Delhi-NCR Inter-School tournament in various sports for exposure. Our school students have been participating and winning at district, state and national level tournaments.

The students also actively participated in “Khelo India’ school games and got various positions. Senior School also conducts a fitness assessment program for students on a regular basis. MRIS is also associated with Fit India Program run by Government of India, and is fit India 3-star school.


The Schools aids and supports regular training of teachers by sending them for Capacity Building programmes and workshops, in house trainings and workshops and involving them in various social and cultural platforms as well. The school has successfully organised workshops for teachers on the following topics-

  • Effective Communication and Classroom Management
  • Emotional Management
  • Bloom Taxonomy and Assessment
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Feedback and Improvement
  • Six Thinking Hats and Growth Mindset
  • Cyber Crime
  • ICT in Teaching Learning Process

Apart from these trainings, the school regularly sends the senior school teachers for Subject Competency Workshops organised by the CBSE and other imminent institutions. The Schools lays a lot of importance on training and empowering their faculty to be learner centric, approachable, life coaches for their students, content-driven, proactive and ambitious.