Sportek 20223-23- The Annual Sports Meet

Sportek 20223-23- The Annual Sports Meet

The sprawling playgrounds of MRIS- 46 reverberated with excitement, zeal, thrill, dynamism and camaraderie as it hosted the much-awaited Annual Sports Meet, “Sportek 2022-23” from 11th-18th February 2023 for Toddlers to Grade VIII. The inaugural function began with the Guard of Honour followed by the Declaration of the Opening of the Meet by the Director Principal. A strong message of camaraderie and unity was delivered by the energetic march past and the impressive drill performances by all grades. The spectacular highlights of the occasion were rhythmic Zumba performances, artistic yoga drills, foot tapping aerobic exercises and a show stopper Calisthenics Lezium dance that left the audience mesmerized. Athletic excellence and true sportsmanship were an integral part of the spectacle and the energy of the participants further brightened the days in various races.  The students participated in a wide array of fun-filled competitive races such as 50m Sprint, Commando race, Buttoning the Shirt, Drag the ball, Frog race, Fancy Dress Relay, Burst the balloon and many more that tested their strength, stamina and agility. The zealous parents, gathered in large numbers, constantly applauded the participants and showed impressive participation in the games organised for them.

The grand finale witnessed the prowess of our budding sports persons in the field of basketball, football, cricket, taekwondo and gymnastics. Displaying their vigour and skill, the students enthralled the audience with their breath holding moves and postures. 

SPORTEK created an atmosphere which was so overwhelming, satisfying and productive, that it motivates us to continue this spirit and take sports to greater heights.