Unity in Diversity is India’s strength

Unity in Diversity is India’s strength

‘Togetherness leads to harmony, harmony leads to peace, which is the biggest need of the hour today!”

Unity in Diversity is India’s strength. There is simplicity and unity in thought in every corner of India. We are blessed to be Indians to enjoy Unity in Diversity. 

To acquaint our young students with the strength that lies in having a united front, a special assembly was conducted at MRIS-21C by the students of KG Mars and KG Mercury with the help of their teachers.

Dressed in traditional costumes of the states of India, the students looked adorable as they spoke about the culture, traditions, cuisines, and festivals. 

Individuality, abode and cultural heritage were depicted in the Exuberant Sunrise teemed with music and respective dance forms. 

The significance of the term Unity in Diversity was explained; the state of togetherness despite the presence of infinite diversity.

Let’s take a look at our shining stars in action..