Understanding various aspects of plastic waste

Understanding various aspects of plastic waste

With this thought, students of Grade-4 and 5 of MRIS-14 Faridabad indulged themselves in an annual project of Life on Land. The main aim of Life on Land as a Sustainable Development Goal is to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and reverse land degradation. The students were empathized about the irrational use of plastic and its ill-effects, and were told to collect plastic items which can be reused. The main purpose of the activity was to enable the students to calculate the amount of waste they have saved from entering into landfills. The students indulged themselves in measuring the amount of reusable things and finally came to a conclusion that instead of throwing plastic, one can reuse it in number of different ways. It was a brainstorming session and students were also able to express their views about ill effects of plastic.