Team stands out with the Best Scientific Illustration at SCI-SPECTACLE

Team stands out with the Best Scientific Illustration at SCI-SPECTACLE

Team stands out with the Best Scientific Illustration at SCI-SPECTACLE

Team stands out with the Best Scientific Illustration at SCI-SPECTACLE

“Science and art belong to the whole world, and before them vanish the barriers of nationality.” –Goethe

Science enthusiasts of MRIS-14 have yet again proved their creative mettle by winning the award for Best Scientific Illustration at the prestigious SCI-SPECTACLE, the 9th Shri Hari Interschool Science Quiz and Tech Task. The tech task team of MRIS-14 comprising Devansh Singhal and Manuviraj Vashisht of Grade 9, with their outstanding innovation- ‘Smart Specs’ using IR Sensor and microcontroller awed the visitors and judges alike. The gadget aims at preventing late-night road accidents by buzzing every time the driver drowsily takes a nap. Such out-of-the-box approach and unwavering confidence have led our young minds to achieve exemplary success at this exhibition which significantly implies their ability to persevere with passion. We, at Manav Rachna wish our ebullient innovators greater success and unhindered ascent in all their future endeavours.