Exuberance 2021– A Virtual Annual Event

Exuberance 2021– A Virtual Annual Event

Manav Rachna International School, Sector 14, Faridabad celebrates EXUBERANCE ’21 – VIRTUAL ANNUAL DAY
Fostering creativity and spreading positivity and cheer, the first ever Virtual Annual Day Exuberance ’21 for the Middle School of Manav Rachna International School, Sector 14, Faridabad was celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm. A myriad of events replete with lighting of the auspicious lamp, a soulful rendition of ‘Saraswati Vandana’ and dazzling band performance held the audience in rapture. The innovative musical drama “Uff Yeh Lockdown”, with the protagonist – the Lockdown personified, conceptualized by the Theatre instructors and enacted by the talented students enthralled parents and stakeholders alike. The Director Principal of the school, Ms. Mamta Wadhwa, formally welcomed the eminent guests and presented the Annual Report journaling the school’s sojourn and achievements in the wake of the lockdown. The Executive Director – MRIS-14, Ms. Deepika Bhalla addressed the students and urged them to persevere with consistent efforts in retaining their enthusiasm to carve a niche for themselves. The programme continued with UK Rock Band Felicitations being awarded to students who acquired Merits and Distinctions across multiple grade levels. Exuberance ’21 culminated amidst renewed hope reinstating firm faith in quality education and innovative pedagogy – the hallmark of the institute.