Enriching session on ‘Pranic Healing’

Enriching session on ‘Pranic Healing’

Enriching session on ‘Pranic Healing’

Enriching session on ‘Pranic Healing’

The expert practitioners from Pranic Healing Foundation, Mr. Harish Venu Gopalan enlightened the teachers with the benefits of this healing therapy as a system of energy healing. It is an ancient science and art that reveals the technique of working with ‘prana’ or ‘life force’. The session began with stretching exercises followed by soulful and calming meditation. As explained by the master Choa Kok Sui, the therapy is all about the activation and use of two energy centres/ chakras in our body. The practice session was followed by the healing of the teachers by the practitioners of Pranic Healing Foundation.

Executive Director Ms. Deepika Bhalla witnessed the healing session and was pleased with the techniques used by the practitioners which works effectively to heal a person and general well-being.