Stress Management and Career Counseling Session 

Stress Management and Career Counseling Session 

Stress Management and Career Counseling Session 

Stress Management and Career Counseling Session 

Students and parents Grades VI- X of Manav Rachna International School, Charmwood came together to talk on a highly relevant topic ‘Stress Management’ recently.

The sessions were conducted by special guest speakers, Ms. Shatarupa Chakraborty and Ms. Swati Saharan, Assistant Professors in the Department of Applied Psychology, Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences (FBSS), Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies. The sessions were also graced with the presence of Dr. Chhavi Bhargava, Dean & Executive Director, FBSS & Faculty of Media Studies and Humanities.

The speakers explained the meaning of stress and its types to the students. They stated real-life examples of situations where students face stress. They explained how to deal with stress during tough times. Various techniques and ways discussed by the speakers were highly appreciated by the students and parents. The students shared their experiences and ways of dealing with stressful situations. The session ended with a round of in-depth discussion and doubt clearing.

A career counselling session for parents and students of Grades XI-XII was also conducted recently which was conducted by Mr. Jayant P V Sundaresan, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, FBSS, MRIIRS. It covered many important topics that would be beneficial for students in selecting courses after Grade XII and also equipped them with different career options.