Festival of Changes at Nursery

Festival of Changes at Nursery

The students of Nursery at MRIS Charmwood presented a wonderful exhibition “Festival of Changes” as a part of the culmination of the GES theme “Changes”. The children made beautiful craft work which was assembled in the form of installations to depict “Lifecycle of a bear”, “Lifecycle of a butterfly”, “Lifecycle of a human being”, “Lifecycle of a plant” and “Lifecycle of a robin bird”. Ms Arpita Chakraborty, Principal of the school and Ms Gunjan Sharma, Headmistress, Early Years, inaugurated this vivid exhibition. The children not only created the artwork but also spoke about the same very confidently and comprehensively. The students of Toddlers and KG visited the exhibition and were mesmerized by the wonderful work done by their friends from Nursery.