Summer Delight: Visiting Childhood Homes

Summer Delight: Visiting Childhood Homes

Summer Delight: Visiting Childhood Homes

Summer Delight: Visiting Childhood Homes

Summer Delight: Visiting Childhood Homes

“When you finally go back to your old home, you find it wasn’t the old home you missed but your childhood.” Sam Ewing

Isn’t this so true? Only the lucky ones have the chance to visit their childhood homes! In one lifetime, a human being generally changes a minimum of four to five living places… and the memories of the places lived never quite leave them… these memories cling and hover over them as a whiff of unforgettable, non-perishable scented breeze always bringing back to their mind and soul, the times spent!

 In this blog post, the mentor of Manav Rachna International School Charmwood has connected with her students to know how much they miss those homes where once they had spread their childhood. Let us dive into this enthralling read and refresh ourselves this summer! ~ Editor


Essence of a childhood home…

If we have lived long enough in one house or an apartment for that matter, and especially if our family has moved out — as if the walls were a time capsule that was secured after us as we departed, it might contain an essentially glowing collection of early recollections. The possibility of retracing our memories of our childhood house has fascinated me for many years —and I guess that is what has compelled me to write this blog post- being a memoir and a travelogue of the beautiful stories of my students traveling back to their childhood homes for their summer vacations. And trust me when these favorite stories of my students remind me that I’m not alone as I grapple with the meaning of return.

As a teacher at Manav Rachna International School Charmwood, we get the opportunity to play roles that varies from being a guide to being a good friend and a listener. And so I had the pleasure of listening to many stories from my students about their summer vacations. One common theme that emerged from their stories was the visits to their childhood homes.

One of my students, Akshat, shared with me that his family had moved to a different city when he was seven years old. Since then, he had only visited his childhood home twice. This summer vacation, his parents decided that it was time for them to visit their hometown and reconnect with their extended family. Akshat was excited about the trip as he had many fond memories of his childhood home. He remembered playing cricket with his friends in the park nearby and visiting his grandparents who lived a few blocks away.

When Akshat and his family arrived in their hometown, they were greeted with open arms by their relatives. Akshat’s grandparents were especially happy to see him and his younger sister. They spent hours talking about their childhood memories and playing games together. Akshat also had the opportunity to meet his childhood friends who still lived in the area. They took him to the park where they used to play cricket, and he was thrilled to be able to relive those memories.

 As I was hearing this amazing anecdote, it was perhaps not surprising, because as a teacher of the Best International School Charmwood, I am aware of the considerable hours we devote to reminiscing about our distant past and our ancestors through music, writing, and thought. Another student, Priya, shared with me that her family had a farm in a rural part of India. Her parents had decided to spend their summer vacation at the farm this year, and Priya was excited to visit her childhood home. She had many fond memories of spending time with her grandparents at the farm, and she was looking forward to doing the same with her younger brother.

When Priya and her family arrived at the farm, she was amazed at how much it had changed since she had last visited. Her grandparents had planted many new trees and had expanded the farm to include more animals. Priya spent her days exploring the farm with her brother and learning about the different crops and animals that her grandparents were raising. She also spent time with her grandparents, listening to their stories and learning about their lives.

“You know, the word ‘Home’, brings with it a tear in my eyes. The aroma of the delicious vegetable curry and the coffee wafting made by my mother, through the house just couldn’t leave my thoughts. And I believed that perhaps I was one of the very few who strongly feel about their childhood homes. Little did I know then that every single person has their fair share of spiritual and alluring memories of their home etched into their hearts,” says the student of the Best CBSE School in Faridabad.

One of my students, Ayushi, shared with me that her family had decided to visit their ancestral village during their summer vacation. Ayushi’s family had lived in the city for several generations, but they still had strong ties to their ancestral village. Ayushi had never visited the village before, and she was excited to learn more about his family’s history.

When Ayushi and her family arrived at the village, they were greeted by many of their relatives who still lived in the area. They spent time together, sharing stories and learning about their family history. Ayushi was especially interested in learning about her great-grandfather, who had been a famous freedom fighter during India’s struggle for independence. Ayushi’s relatives showed her the house where her great-grandfather had lived, and he felt a sense of pride knowing that her family had played a role in India’s freedom fight.

In conclusion, the stories that my students shared with me about their visits to their childhood homes during summer vacations were heart-warming and inspiring. These visits were a way for them to reconnect with their roots and spend time with family members who they had not seen in a while. They also provided an opportunity for them to learn more about their family history and the culture of their ancestors. I believe that these experiences will stay with my students for a long time and will help shape their identity as they grow older and Manav Rachna International School Charmwood  the Best CBSE school and the Best International School is certainly helping the students in this path.

Manav Rachna International School Charmwood, the Best CBSE Affiliated School, Faridabad has long been known by the value it places in grooming its students and showing their way into  the world.

RACONTEUR: Ms. Surya Anand, TGT English, MRIS Charmwood

EXPRESSED BY: Akshat, Priya, Ayushi