Effective Expressions

Effective Expressions

“Of all the talents bestowed upon men, none is so precious as the gift of rhetoric.”-Winston Churchill

A programme for the students and by the students under the guidance of their efficient mentors, ‘Effective Expressions’ is one of the key themes of a robust and comprehensive instructional program for all students.

We believe that literature carves students into impactful speakers, who can convey their ideas with emphasis. To put this theory to practice, the importance of idiomatic expressions and developing new vocabulary to enhance one’s speaking skills is explained in a highly engaging manner to the students of MRIS-21C. 

The program ‘Effective expressions’ aims to encourage the students to communicate and express themselves effectively through stories, poems and dramatisations.

It is a pleasure to the hearts of the educators watch these young students go around the campus with templates and banners creating a language acquisition surrounding!