A child learns in many ways – questioning adults, collaborating with peers, and experiencing the world through his or her unique perspective.
Manav Rachna International School- 21C aims at transforming these ways of learning into a methodology of relevance. This means that every child here is equipped with a toolkit of concepts, skills and knowledge, which he or she can use and shape into endless possibilities. In a dynamic and ever-changing world, this kind of learning impacts individual growth as well as a global consciousness.
With the seeds of lifelong learning in place, our primary students now forge ahead on their adventure – an adventure of learning that is active, hands-on exploration. It is at this stage that they begin to grasp complex concepts and connect with the real world through the prism of academic domains like Language, CREST and Numeracy. The Third Language is introduced in Grade V and students have an option to choose from Sanskrit, French and Spanish.
It’s not all academic, though. Innovative modules bring alive our vision. The unique potential of the child blossoms with our robust Future Skills and Sustainability, Visual Arts as well as Performing Arts curriculum, which seamlessly integrates with and then goes beyond classroom learning to local and global contexts. The learning domain of Life Skills aims at developing self-awareness, human values, behaviours and attitudes. Just by ‘doing’, children acquire crucial abilities like thinking and research, social interaction as well as communication. Sports is as integral to the curriculum as any other domain, offering a wide variety of outdoor and indoor sports options for students to choose from.
Students, guided by their able facilitators, take ownership of their learning by exploring, inquiring, investigating, collaborating, reflecting and taking actions in and beyond the school community.