Interactive Coffee Morning Session with Grade 1 and 2 parents

Interactive Coffee Morning Session with Grade 1 and 2 parents

MRIS-14, Faridabad successfully conducted the Coffee Morning Session with Grade I and II parents recently. Purpose of the session was to brief the parents about the new practices and pedagogies adopted by the school and on how the teaching learning process will take place. Director Principal, Ms. Mamta Wadhwa briefed parents about the structured curriculum adopted by the school which focuses on four skills i.e. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing, thus, developing academic rigor among the children. She also quoted, “A child who is equipped to read is equipped to learn”. Hence, parents should encourage the Joy of Reading. She also advised the parents to let their kids make their own timetable so that they learn to prioritize the work, learn scheduling and also learn to take ownership.

Vice Principal, Ms. Monika Kathuria, explained the various educational instructions, methodologies, purpose and the curriculum of the school. She commenced her talk by saying that every child is unique and their way of learning differs from one another. She shared that the curriculum at MRIS has been designed in such a manner that kids are involved in socratic discussions, research work, multiage and multi-grade activities, watching powerpoint presentations and videos, making them creative and critical thinkers. She also briefed them about the Annual Projects undertaken by the school and the purpose of Academic Workshop Session. Information regarding the Assessment and Homework policy was given to the parents which gave them a clear insight into the system of the school. Parents delightedly supported the school policy and all their queries were answered.