Unbounded Advantages


MRIS is equipped with an infirmary to attend to any first aid needs. Healthcare facilities are available in the School health centre under the guidance of a full time doctor. This facility is fully equipped to give first aid during emergency. The centre organizes regular medical checkups for staff and students. It also organizes awareness camps on various health problems such as dental checkup, healthy eye camp, ENT checkups, AIDS awareness, women wellness for teachers and staff, bone density test for teachers and staff, skin care camp and mother and daughter workshop.


All the school buses are air conditioned and carry only the permitted number of students is in accordance with the capacity of the bus. A guard and a maid escort the students to ensure safety and cleanliness. All the buses have a first aid kit to attend to any medical needs. All the buses are fitted with GPS devices and speed controllers.


Fire extinguishers are installed at various places in the school building. The school conducts Fire Drills to acquaint students and staff with fire safety procedures.


To ensure security and safe learning environment, the school provides effective surveillance and security systems. These act as great deterrent factors, resulting in much better group control and a higher quality learning environment.


By manipulating concrete objects, children go through a series of learning processes that help them develop the thinking skills necessary for understanding Math in the primary school years. Given adequate materials, time to work through play, and a teacher to facilitate, children develop pre-Math and scientific concepts along with the cognitive skills necessary for applying knowledge in the Math & Science Activity Centre. We encourage early childhood educators to lay special emphasis on including Math and Science activities in the Centre which has been specially crafted to make learning a fun and joyful experience.


To enhance practical mathematical skills and be well versed with the concepts we have introduced Math Labs in all our schools. It stimulates interest in Maths, encourages and assists students to develop the knowledge, competence, enthusiasm thereby removing the fear of the subject.


Mentoring the Scientific and analytical acumen. The purpose of the Science lab is to stimulate interest in Science. To enhance the learning ability and to impart practical exposure about theoretical concepts, the school is well equipped with Physics Lab, Chemistry lab, Biology Lab and Home Science Lab. The students have hands on experience to their learning. The experiments conducted in the labs help them to add to their knowledge.


The Labs provide a Hands on experience for the primary students when working on science kits. Children learn problem solving and applied science through experiential learning while having fun.


The skill development Lab will have facilities for electrical, electronics, carpentry, computer hardware, different facets of energy and learning about communication, automobile and welding. This lab will also provide life skills and broaden the outlook of the students.


To foster Interactive communication in the classrooms the MRIS has Language Labs which equip the students with mastery of all language skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing) wherein the young minds are imparted language proficiency skills. The Labs give the teachers an edge to teach groups of all sizes and skill levels easily. The labs simulate real life situations: group discussions, role plays, mock interviews and more!


The Home science labs of MRIS are well ventilated with a centrally placed working table, accessories like cutlery, and latest appliances, thus enabling the children to learn and perfect the art and style of cooking. After being involved with creation of

healthy recopies, kids show an inclination towards choosing healthy food habits.


Provides a structured course to the students wherein they programme their robots to perform various operations.’Robotics’ has revolutionized the concept of learning and brought technology to the class rooms. MRIS schools have a fully equipped Robotics Lab which allows students to access science and technology via multiple points.


MRIS provides a favourable learning environment, in tune with the latest trends. Facilities for both study and research work, such as Local Area Network (LAN), student workstations, scanning; printing and digital camera facilities, access to the Internet and World Wide Web, and other online and off-shore services, is provided to supplement course work. The campus has a computer lab with advanced infrastructure to cater to the requirements of students, teachers and the curriculum. The school has a complete Wi-Fi system for internet access, as well. Students get all the ICT support in their smart classroom and are encouraged to perform as digital learners.


Students get all the ICT support in their smart classrooms and are encouraged to perform as digital learners. The latest technology with Interactive Boards and Projectors is extensively used in the classroom to benefit young learners. The modules are aligned with the curriculum in an interactive and engaging way. All the teachers are allotted laptops to keep abreast of the latest knowledge.


The role of educators and teachers has expanded, making them more creative, innovative and engaged with the students. They now have access to the latest educational technology with interactive smart boards replacing the traditional black boards along with Projectors and Laptops. The features of a computer, Internet, Power Point Presentations and animation have been blended together to create the WOW factor in MRIS classes.

Smart classes offer a rich content of highly animated knowledge. Audio visual modules in sync with the curriculum are also presented in the classes. The latest technology is extensively used as a learning tool at MRIS. These help make learning interesting and teaching Gen Next easier. All the classrooms at MRIS are well equipped with smart class technology. he modules are lined with the curriculum in an interactive and engaging way. All the teachers are allotted laptops to keep abreast of latest knowledge.


Libraries support learning within the pedagogic goals of the school. All the MRIS schools house a vast collection of books for students to read and develop a passion for reading also inculcating in them critical literacy. The institutions have a well stocked, ERP functional library to support the rich curriculum of all the classes. They also house Kindle Digital Books thus providing any book any time to the students.


Manav Rachna International University has a Cloud campus which acts a skill development platform which provides globally acclaimed and industry leading cloud based learning systems. It is acomprehensive yet flexible Learning Management System, compatible with multiple devices such as desktops, Laptops, Tablets and Smart phones that will give students and faculty access to a world – class digital library with over 50000 titles from 634 publishers covering Business, Management, Engineering, Finance, IT and many more topics keeping in sync with 7500 plus skill development courses. Over 100 certification courses along with Quality content with cost and operational efficiency are also available.

The cloud campus will work towards bridging the gap between academia and industry by providing students an environment to learn and upgrade their soft as well as hard skills. The cloud campus will also help faculty in supplementing their classroom teaching through courseware and stimulations. The MRIU Cloud campus is meant to create an effective learning model amongst academicians, students and industry to promote and share educational content and research.


Manav Rachna International Schools have a state of the art ERP (Campus Care) which has been implemented by M/S Bapna Tech. It facilitates online admissions, examinations, payment of fees, transport management, Library Management and various other modules besides having a parent/student portal for easy interaction.
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