Van Mahotsav – The Festival of Life

Van Mahotsav – The Festival of Life

Van Mahotsav – The Festival of Life

Van Mahotsav – The Festival of Life

Van Mahotsav – The Festival of Life

Celebrating the festival of life, Van Mahotsav, the students of Grade 1-8, MRIS Mohali participated in tree plantation drive.

While Grades 1-8 planted shrubs on the pavement outside the school campus and contributed to saving the environment, the children from Early Years were made aware of the Chipko Movement and they embraced the trees planted in the campus.

The students were enlightened about the significance of Van Mahotsav as a festival and how they can keep the environment healthy during the assembly. Highlighting the importance of the one-week festival, Ms. Taruna Vashisht, Principal MRIS Mohali said that “as responsible citizens, we must take a pledge to conserve forests, plantations and trees to save the Mother Earth”.