Winter’s firstborn snow dots the soul with magic.

Winter’s firstborn snow dots the soul with magic.

Winter’s firstborn snow dots the soul with magic.

Winter’s firstborn snow dots the soul with magic.

Winter’s firstborn snow dots the soul with magic.

Ah, to see the beginnings of winter—those first specks of snow twirling from the clouds fills one with immense joy.

Manav Rachna International School-21C, recently held its annual winter carnival based on the theme ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory.’ The event comprised star attractions such as games, food stalls, on the spot photography and print, sketching, chocolate making workshop, creative writing and drawing competitions and many more interesting activities. 

The winter carnival not only rang in the spirit of festivity and gaiety, it also fostered important life-skills of entrepreneurship, initiative, organisational capacity & team-spirit among the staff and students. The students had a lot of fun at the winter carnival that was adorned with beautiful dance programmes and a melodious orchestra performance. The students grooved to the beats of the latest songs as a part of the flash mob. 

Magical experience is what suits it best!