Morning Virtual Assembly on Pandemic – A New Norm

Morning Virtual Assembly on Pandemic – A New Norm

Morning Virtual Assembly on Pandemic – A New Norm

Morning Virtual Assembly on Pandemic – A New Norm

Morning Virtual Assembly on Pandemic – A New Norm

Slow to adjust to the pandemic’s ‘new normal’? Don’t worry, your brain’s just learning new skills.

The morning virtual assembly was conducted by the students of Grade 3E, of MRIS-14, with great delight on the theme ‘Pandemic – a New Norm’.

The assembly commenced with introduction of the topic, followed by the thought for the day. This was followed by a beautiful prayer hymn ‘Ye Mat Kaho Khua Se’ which lifted the spirit of everyone, which is required for all of us to improve our moral, to take the new challenge and support one and another through this trying time.

The concern and initiative to increase awareness about the new normal was very well-expressed by the students through some do’s and don’ts. The assembly was culminated by a poem which was true to the thought by Desmond Tutu that ‘Hope is being able to see, there is light in all the darkness’.

The assembly was concluded by the school Vice Principal, Ms. Monika Kathuria who applauded the performance of the young performers and encouraged them to know that it is a very different and unsettling time for everyone as we transition to our ‘new normal’ and that these exceptional circumstances are a change for our education, students and their families.

However, change brings opportunities as well as challenges. We should continue to find strength by supporting one another through these changes.