Fractions made easy…

Fractions made easy…

Fractions made easy…

Fractions made easy…

Fractions made easy…

“Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play, children learn how to play”

In an effort to lay a strong foundation of Mathematics among the students, MRIS-Sector14, Faridabad conducted an enriching activity for Class III to introduce ‘Fractions’. The activity was chosen with an objective to enable the students to read and write fractions that name the part of whole or set. Using multi-coloured origami strips, students created a fraction rainbow to represent various fractions on it like ¼, 3/4.

It proved to be a fantastic opportunity to recapitulate fractions and terms like numerator, denominator, part and whole. The learners thoroughly enjoyed the activity and were engrossed in identifying and sorting the correct fractions. It not only strengthened their conceptual and reasoning skills but also gave them an opportunity to explore fractions in a simple and playful manner.