Student leaves a mark at ‘Ideate for India 2019’

Student leaves a mark at ‘Ideate for India 2019’

Student leaves a mark at ‘Ideate for India 2019’

Student leaves a mark at ‘Ideate for India 2019’

Student leaves a mark at ‘Ideate for India 2019’

MRIS Charmwood is pleased to announce that Durlabh Biswas, a student of Grade VIII at the school has been lauded at “Ideate for India 2019 — Creative solutions using technology” for his project titled “Recycler Bin”.

‘Ideate for India’ is a national challenge promoted by the National eGovernance Division, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India and Intel India.

Durlabh won an Intel Galileo Gen2 development and prototyping board for the project that demonstrated the process of automatic segregation of plastic waste from mixed waste by using a capacitive proximity sensor with Arduino and servo motors.