Summer Tales: Brewing Fun Time!

Summer Tales: Brewing Fun Time!

Summer Tales: Brewing Fun Time!

Summer Tales: Brewing Fun Time!

Summer Tales: Brewing Fun Time!

                          SUMMER SUN TIME STORIES SERIES-1    



Summer Sun Time Stories Series is incepted to let the students of Manav Rachna International Schools pan India express how they want to spend their approaching Summer Vacation. With the start of the new academic session, the chirpy, excited students, start counting the days when they would have their favorite vacation time! With  bags filled with new books, the students frantically search the pages of their almanacs and anxiously look when their bliss time would begin! A paradox but the truth- the start of a New Session and wanting to have a break!

Vacations gift individuals a chance to break away from their daily rush and de-stress themselves by relaxing, rejuvenating, recharging, and refilling their hearts with intoxicating feelings which accrue by engaging in activities that they enjoy.

This is a great time period to enhance learning opportunities. During the summer vacation break, students have ample time to enhance their learning skills that are not possible during the academic year. Children have the freedom to explore and learn new things outside the classroom and have quality time with their family and friends strengthening their bond. Summer camps, traveling, and volunteering are effective ways to learn about new cultures, acquire new skills, and make new friends. These activities improve the mental health of the students who sometimes get stressed with their academics.

However, in the marathon to excel and sprint in the mad race of marks, parents, and schools sometimes forget the importance of summer breaks and schedule Competitive & Extra-Classes! I believe if these classes are so important then why not take the students to some unexplored destinations of tranquility and teach? This way the purpose of the school, parents, and students would be solved at the same time. Evenings can be a beautiful sunset with the hope to see a delightful, fascinating Sun would be fulfilled at the same time… Manav Rachna International School believes in balancing work and play. The importance of work-life balance is an important aspect of the pedagogical pursuits at Manav Rachna. We understand summer vacations give students and teachers time to recharge and prepare for the upcoming academic year with renewed enthusiasm and energy.


“Being little more playful with life can bring ecstasy and inner peace.”

At a particular stance of life, how joyful you are, decides the quality of your life. So, why not live the moment to the fullest?

Summer vacation is an eagerly awaited time of year for children everywhere. It’s a time for them to kick back, relax, and forget about school for a while. However, it’s also an opportunity for them to develop new skills, explore their interests, and gain valuable life experiences. By engaging in activities that challenge them and broaden their horizons, children can return to school feeling refreshed, motivated, and ready to tackle the challenges of the new academic year.

Whether you are a tiny tot or a mature adult- everyone looks forward to summer vacation as a time to pursue constructive ideas.  During this extended break, students are free from the strict schedule of school and the rigors of the curriculum. It is a chance to recharge mind, body and soul and to bridge the parent – child relationship by learning and experimenting in each other’s company.

Summer jobs can also teach valuable interpersonal and interactive skills that can be of practical importance in future. For a while, getting attention off the gadgets and being focused on honing the acquired skills will pay lasting dividends. In this era of being a sociopath, spending quality time and acquiring new skills can open the way for new ideas, creativity and innovation.

At Manav Rachna International School (MRIS), Ludhiana, which stands strong amongst the list of top 5 schools in Ludhiana, the bells of summer vacation have started ringing, and the mounting excitement can be seen in the wide smiles of all students and their power of imagination.  They are all geared up to explore new destinations, activities and skills. Some students plan to practice yoga and meditation as a retreat for the soul and intellect, while others plan to acquire skills of painting or enroll in IELTS coaching to study abroad.

No doubt, staycations at the hills or abroad, fill the chill zone of relief in a few students. But to my surprise, there came an opinion from one of my philanthropists’ children – Gurasees of Grade IX, that he is longing to spend some time with the Senior People of the community residing in the old age homes, abandoned by their own children and society. This noble thought filled my eyes with tears, and in my heart, I saluted the sanctity of the thought process of the child. I also revered at his upbringing by parents and experienced faculty of MRIS, instilled with sacred moral values and ethics. Though he had plethora of activities to choose from, he chose the noblest of all. He marked a virtuous quote of Mother Teressa, ‘Service is what life is all about!’

He further added that as we serve others, we are also working upon ourselves simultaneously; every act, every word, every gesture of genuine compassion naturally nourishes our own hearts as well. The sounds of this verdict are still echoing in my eardrums, and my body is experiencing goose bumps as to how a child of such a tender age carries firm faith and virtues. This is what the students of MRIS, Ludhiana, the best international school in Ludhiana, have earned and learned beyond the curriculum and pedagogies of teaching.

Undoubtedly, academics play a significant role in the life of a child, but when it comes to character building and the ethos as a civilian, the students of the best school in Ludhiana- Manav Rachna International School, surpass all others with their prime ideologies. Talking to him raised the level of my curiosity, and I could not refrain myself from putting forth my question – WHY? If he had been granted a panel of merriment, without much obligations, where he could learn a new tact or skill or even polish his already acquired parameters, then why is he willing to spend his time with old age people? Why not with his family or the children of his age? His aptness and brevity to answer my thought showcased his firmness to serve the old age people. He made it transparent to all by adding a quote,

“Great acts are made up of small deeds and goodness is the only investment that never fails.” He exposed his long-term determination and longing for this summer break to take those old aged people to the voyage of approachable pilgrimage and for that, he had been working day-in and day-out to accomplish part time jobs. He did not squander his pocket money unnecessarily, instead lending his helpful hand to suffice the chores and errands of a needy man, fetching him a good number of finances.  Also, he saved enough funds from his pocket money to spend on serving the humanity, especially the ones who were ignored by their own family members. The packed and the timely schedule of school and covering his curriculum wisely could not let him spend more quality time with his choice of people. And now that he got a chance to be unoccupied for a while, above other traits, he chose kindness and humanity. This is what he narrated and explained to all. It’s no exaggeration to mark the magnanimity of the students of MRIS, fabricating it as the best CBSE -affiliated School in India. His parents have come out in his support as we were worried that it was too big a decision and eventually a job for him!

He adheres to a completely different set of beliefs and faith compared to his peers and a mate as he contemplated, “Every single day is a fresh start as a clean slate; never forget to fill it with learning and good deeds”.  He even suggests to other kids that they should not wait for a particular moment to happen before achieving something. They should be smart enough to manage their planner squarely and spend an appropriate ratio of time in learning and practicing their hobby, and above all, trying out a brand – new empathetic deed every 24 hours.

With the help of his parents, he is also associated with an NGO that is aiding him sufficiently in his exploration and his noble thought of serving the humanity. He proudly brought it to my notice that the same NGO has forwarded his name and quality for the Youth Aid award. The principal, Ms. Anju Dhawan has proudly acclaimed the scrupulous initiative of this stupendous child of the institution.

In conclusion, summer vacation is an ideal time for children to rejuvenate, explore and learn new things. It’s important for children to use this time wisely and productively by engaging in activities that not only help them develop new skills and talents but also foster personal growth and development. From volunteering at local NGOs, attending summer camps, learning new hobbies, or traveling to new destinations, the possibilities for meaningful engagement during summer vacation are endless.

Encouraging children to be active, creative, and curious during this time can help them become more well-rounded individuals who are better prepared to tackle the challenges of the future. By using these summer months to cultivate their interests and passions, children can pave the way for a bright and successful future.


RACONTEUR: Ms. Shaina Ahluwalia, PGT – Computers

EXPRESSED BY: Master Gurasees Grade IX And Team.