Cleanliness Drive by Nursery & KG students

Cleanliness Drive by Nursery & KG students

Cleanliness Drive by Nursery & KG students

Cleanliness Drive by Nursery & KG students

Cleanliness Drive by Nursery & KG students

Cleanliness is next to Godliness …

A ‘Cleanliness Drive’ by Early Years was organized at MRIS- 51, Gurugram to inculcate good habits in children right from early childhood. Children brought their personal Hygiene Kit from home – a hand towel, handkerchief, toothbrush, comb, etc. They were told about various hygiene factors – steps of hand washing, ways of brushing teeth, clipping of nails and taking bath daily. The drive ended up with a promise to follow these steps of health and hygiene throughout their life.