Professional Development Programs @ MRIS
In this dynamic world where teaching, training, and learning practices are constantly evolving, we at Manav Rachna ensure our educators stay apprised and updated with NEP guidelines and modern teaching methodologies. For this purpose, regular professional development programs are organized to enhance teachers’ skills and competencies which will enrich teaching learning.
Expert external resource people are invited to share their valuable insights and peer learning is encouraged as teachers across our chain of schools collaborate and share their innovative teaching practices. These programs are planned for both teaching and non-teaching members. To ensure the attendees get maximum output from these programs, they are mostly conducted as hands-on workshops, wherein educators work in groups and learn by doing.

The teachers of Manav Rachna International Schools are both leaders and high achievers who assume their role as educators with passion, pride and a sense of purpose. They firmly believe that professional development leads to great classroom transaction which in turn leads to great student learning outcomes.

The teachers undergo scheduled trainings and workshops by in-house resource people as well as experts of specific fields. A total of 60 hours is allocated for Professional Development and Capacity Building activities for school management and teachers in an academic year. Teachers collaborate at the start of the session to plan the academic year ahead by making the annual syllabus, the monthly syllabus which is further broken down into day wise planning to bring in uniformity in syllabus covered by all schools. Review of question papers for common periodic assessments as well as Scholarship tests is done by teachers collectively. Teachers come together to assess Scholarship tests planned for students of Grades V and VIII. These activities take up 20 hours and also provide an opportunity to teachers to learn from their peers.
To enhance classroom teaching learning effectiveness, school leaders and teachers are subject to specific workshops like Competency Building, Effective Communication, Pedagogical Practices, enabling Critical thinking in classrooms, to name a few. The teachers are regularly observed in a classroom setting for their planning, content knowledge, delivery, assessment techniques used and student engagement. Feedback is given to them and support if required, is provided on a one-on-one basis. In a year, about 30 hours are spent on this exercise to ensure that the teachers are equipped with all the necessary skills and competencies to make their classrooms great learning spaces.
Every year External Resource persons are invited to provide subject specific insight and knowledge to teachers for making learning a wondrous and joyful experience for students.This keeps the teachers updated on best practices to be adopted and takes up about 10 teacher hours. MRIS understands that continuous Professional and Personal Development of their teachers is the need of the hour and a priority in order to achieve its vision and mission statement.

Professional Development Program for Teachers
S.No | Name of the Training Attended by Teachers |
1 | Online training on Cyber Hygiene |
2 | Online training on Cyber Parenting |
3 | Counselling Approaches |
4 | Online training on Integration of Virtual Labs in Teaching Learning |
5 | Online course on Space Technology and Applications |
6 | Online training on Emerging Trends in Educational Technology |
7 | Training workshop on Holocaust Education |
8 | Capacity Building Programme on Environmental Education and Conservation of Natural Resources |
9 | Online session on Career Counselling |
10 | Online session on Cyber Safety and Security |
11 | UNESCO-SEL for teachers and classroom |
12 | Online session on Item Writing- Multiple Choice Questions |
13 | Masterclass on Canva for Educators |
14 | National Curriculum Framework- Foundational Stage |
15 | Capacity Building Program on Chemistry |
16 | CBP on Physics, Accountancy, Economics |