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Fee Refund Policy

Fee Withdrawal & Refund Policy

Late Fee Fine Policy

If the outstanding fee amount exceeds Rs. 5,000 after the last date of payment for each quarter, the following late fee policy will apply:

First Seven Days of Default

  • Rs. 50 per day from the 16th of the month for the first seven days of default.

Next Period of Default

  • Rs. 100 per day for each succeeding day of non-payment until the end of the month.

Following Month

  • Rs. 200 per day for each succeeding day of non-payment from the 1st to the 14th of the next month.

Re-Admission Charges

If the fee dues (exclusive of late fines) exceed Rs. 5,000 on the 15th of the following month, the student’s name will be struck off the roll. Re-admission will require payment of Rs. 5,000 as re-admission charges along with the due late fee fine.

For continuous and subsequent quarter defaults, re-admission charges will apply for each quarter default if the amount in excess of Rs. 5,000 (exclusive of late fines).

Note: Late fee fines and re-admission charges also apply to the wards of staff.

Fine Calculation Example

First Seven Days of Default:

  • Rs. 350

Next Eight/Nine Days of Default

  • Rs. 800/900

Next 14 Days of Default

  • Rs. 2,800
  • Re-admission Charges: Rs. 5,000
  • Total: Rs. 8,950 / Rs. 9,050

New Admissions for a New Session

If fees are deposited at the time of admission and withdrawal is initiated before the session starts, parents must apply in the prescribed form to the Head of School for a refund of the security deposit and Quarter fee.

Admission Fee is non-refundable.

Security Deposit and Quarter Fee is refundable if paid.

Mid-Session Withdrawal

Application for Withdrawal

Submit the prescribed withdrawal format to the School Office one month before the withdrawal date else fee for the Quarter will be charged.

Refund Details

Admission Fee is non-refundable.

For students who have paid the full quarter fee, the fee will be charged up to the end of the month attended. The remaining proportionate fees for the quarter and the security deposit will be refunded.

For more details, please visit

If a student who is availing the scholarship discount fails to pay the quarter fees on time than the Scholarship will be withdrawn with an immediate effect.

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  • MRIS Sector 14 Faridabad

  • MRIS Sector 21C Faridabad

  • MRIS Charmwood Faridabad

  • MRIS Sector 46 Gurugram

  • MRIS Sector 51 Gurugram

  • MRIS Sector 51 Noida

  • MRIS Mohali

  • MRIS Ludhiana

CBSE, Sector 51, Noida