Manav Rachna International Faridabad – Sector 14
Fee Payment Schedule
- The School’s academic year is from August to July.
- The Composite Fee does not include external examination fees.
- For all other consumables, contingency amount will be used by the School,
for which a student is required to maintain a refundable Contingency Deposit
of Rs. 15,000. - Transport Fees is payable quarterly along in addition to the Composite Fee.
- Sibling Rebate: 5% rebate on the Composite Fee for the younger sibling, only
till the time the older sibling is in School. - Annual Payment Rebate: 3% rebate on the Composite Fee for making an annual
payment of the Composite fee for the entire Academic Year. This rebate will
be applicable for Parents making such payments within the due date of first
quarter fee remittance (i.e 10 July). - The payments will be due on every 10th of the 1st month of the quarter
(i.e., 10th Jul, 10th Oct, 10th Jan, and 10th Apr). Late Fine will be
applicable after the due date at the under mentioned rates- Rs. 50 per day – if paid within 7 days after the due date.
- Rs. 100 per day – if paid within 7 days after the due date till the
month end. - Rs. 200 per day – if paid within 1st day of the next month till 14th
of that month. - After the 14th of the month, a re-admission charge of Rs. 5,000 will
be levied.
- There will be an average fee increase to account for inflation.
- The School reserves the right to revise/amend the Fee Schedule.
- Parents are requested to review our admission’s policy available on the
website before admission.