Senior and Senior Secondary Curriculum

Key Components of Senior and Senior Secondary Curriculum
- 1The key thrust of curriculum and pedagogy in the senior school is towards moving the education system towards real understanding and learning how to learn, keeping away from the culture of rote learning as is largely present today.
- 2Curriculum content is reduced (AS PER CBSE) in each subject to its core essentials, to make space for critical thinking and more holistic, inquiry-based, discovery-based, discussion-based, and analytical based learning.
- 3The mandated content focuses on key concepts, ideas, applications, and problem solving.
- 4Inclusive environment in the classrooms facilitates and ensures proper Teaching-Learning amongst the students, including equal participation of all children at all levels.
- 5As a part of our journey on experiential learning, art-integrated education is embedded in classroom transactions not only for creating joyful classrooms, but also for imbibing the Indian ethos through integration of Indian art and culture in the teaching and learning process at every level. This art-integrated approach strengthens the linkages between education and culture.
- 6Students have been given increased flexibility and choice of subjects to study, particularly in Secondary as well as Senior Secondary School – including subjects in physical education, the arts and crafts, and vocational skills – so that they can design their own paths of study and life plans.
- 7Concerted curricular and pedagogical initiatives, including the introduction of contemporary subjects such as Artificial Intelligence, Design Thinking, Holistic Health, Organic Living, Environmental Education, Global Citizenship Education (GCED), etc. at relevant stages will be undertaken to develop these various important skills in students at all levels. This also includes arenas of Geography, Fashion Technology and Home Science. The school offers a plethora of 23 subjects in the senior secondary wing.
- 8Sports-integration is another cross-curricular pedagogical approach that utilizes physical activities including indigenous sports, in pedagogical practices to help in developing skills such as collaboration, self-initiative, self-direction, self-discipline, teamwork, responsibility, citizenship, etc. Sports-integrated learning is undertaken in classroom transactions to help students adopt fitness as a lifelong attitude and to achieve the related life skills along with the levels of fitness as envisaged in the Fit India Movement.
- 9Teaching and learning is conducted in a more interactive manner; questions are encouraged, and classroom sessions regularly contain more fun, creative, collaborative, and exploratory activities for students for deeper and more experiential learning.
- 10Value-based education includes the development of humanistic, ethical, Constitutional, and universal human values of truth, righteous conduct, peace and nonviolence, scientific temperament, citizenship values, and also life-skills; lessons in service and participation in community service programmes is considered as an integral part of our academic pursuits.
- 11Departments of Languages, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Art, Dance, Education, Pure and applied Mathematics, Statistics, Pure and Applied Sciences- all culminate in the format of a multidisciplinary and stimulating educational environment within the classrooms.