Foundational Years
The school adopts a flexible, play based curriculum for Early Years to foster the needs of young minds.

Adopting a child centric approach, school ensures experiential learning with hands on experience helping the child pursue the areas of interests with added fun to the learning process. Specially designed activities cater not only to the development of cognitive skills but also to fuel socio-emotional learning. A strong social and emotional foundation in early childhood impacts emotional regulation, social relationships and higher cognitive abilities in later years.
Students are taught with basic life skills like emotional intelligence, social wellbeing, effective communication, intra and interpersonal skills, collaboration, problem solving and decision making by hands on experience

Pretend and play, show and tell, storytelling, poem recitations, circle time helps in enabling the children to enhance linguistic skills and express feelings, thoughts, respect the opinion of others and develop social skills. Soft skills trainings helps children in regulating their feelings, generate empathy and sensitivity
The Academics at EY
The academics at EY is aligned with NEP and focuses on foundational literacy and numeracy and gives sports and wellbeing utmost importance. Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the skills which are worked upon at different levels of Early Years.

Language is taught through Jolly phonics, story sessions, rhyme ftime, dress to speak activities, DEAR time and much more.

Curriculum at Early years is imparted through theme based learning and 8 learning centers like Blocks and Construction, Sand Centre, Water Center, Creative Center, Table Top, Small World, Dramatic play and Clay Center. Here the teacher acts as a facilitator and the student independently explores the area with a purpose and understanding. Involvement in hands-on activities stimulates a child’s drive for exploration and discovery.