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Let’s Live & Laugh

15 Sep 2022
Let’s Live & Laugh

Reminiscing the belle époque muffled with more fun than a barrel of monkeys around at that teenybopper age when the true quintessence of friendship dwelled in ignorance. Nostalgically hovering down the memory lane when the thoroughfares of the school were thronged with an array of activities going around; the gyrations, somersaults, commotion of chattering, raptness of overnight gossips and pre-requisite knowledge of the impending dissensions amongst friends, rejuvenating matured soul brimmed with literacy and knowledge makes the past happy moments exquisite.

Remembering the ground arena of the school cafeteria where all shared their emotions is lunging in the past and hovering over perfumes of a beautiful flower. Some had then motivated others for the better path of life while few were encouraging their mates to accept the friendship proposal sent through a messenger from another section. Left with a minimal choice of rejuvenating bliss, slouching at a prime uno, were the days of Annual function or extra-curricular activities which boosted the morale of the students along with the spirit of winning and achieving a glory in life. In the frivolous era of zoning a friend as if contemplating  mine – In the multiverse of children having hope in the structure of a friend  affirmed unconditional love and a support for all times.

A friend is someone you find your comfort in and friendship is the best relationship one can enjoy in their life.  Hanging out with friends enhances the level of bonding amongst the squad and brings forth elaborative qualities such as brotherhood and sharing. Families, school personnel, and community recreation staff all play a role in encouraging the growth of friendships between children.

“I’ve fleeting memories of you,

Of poems you wrote.

I used to read your poems,

But lately, you’ve stopped writing.”

These lines show how we enjoy the company of people who are like us, share common interests, and stand by us through thick and thin, noticing each thing we do, and standing by even when they have no courage to deal with us. Such is friendship found on the common ground of shared interests and recreation. You must have friends who slay together stay together, or friends who travel together, stay together. All this indicates one thing- finding friendship through recreation of a kind that absorbs the love of two people, fusing it together to form one tiny heart of friendship.

Spending quality time with kith and kin away from academic work enhances positive relationship.  Healthy eating and exercise ought to be considered a necessary investment in one’s health. Spending time with friends is not only enjoyable, but it also has numerous long-term physical and emotional health benefits. Whether your network of friends consists of a partner and a large number of close family ties, or if it is made up of people who aren’t biologically related to you- does not really matter as this still has positive social support.

Entrusting one into a recreational activity gives a person a better level of confidence, good memory, emotional-mental stability, optimism, excellent decision-making skills, and independence ultimately removing the barriers of low self-esteem. Indulging in a variety of acts not only gifts us the listed parameters but also a confidant companion is earned which matches your relevancy and interest areas and therefore, weave an everlasting thread of love and friendship.  In common usage, however, recreation has a more comprehensive meaning and it is not restricted to any particular age group and activity. Recreation means to regain lost vigour and get a sense of joy, refreshment and satisfaction. Recreation is life itself, without recreation life is meaningless. The modern age is full of complexities, a man in order to survive has to do lot of physical and mental work, resulting in fatigue. Through recreation he can regain the lost vigour or energy.

Happiness was recognized by our forefathers as a fundamental and worthy objective for every individual. In fact life would be incomplete and drab without recreation. The great leader of recreation Dr. Austin Fox Riggs has rightly expressed that “The function of play is to balance life in relation to work, to afford a refreshing contrast to responsibility and routine, to keep alive the spirit of adventure and that sense of proportion which prevents taking oneself and one’s job too seriously and thus to prevent the death of youth, and not infrequently the premature death of the man himself.” Among the needs for real living there should be a beauty, knowledge and ideals; books, pictures and music; song, dance and games; travel, adventure and romance, friends, championships, and the exchange of minds. Recreation holds its place of importance in modern life because it has afforded and continues to afford opportunities for the attainment of these basic human needs which provide happiness.

The value of recreation has been characterized as an insurance policy against nervous disorders, which when collected in middle age, will reimburse hundred fold. Its contribution lies in its value in preventing illness by contributing to healthful, happy living.

Recreation not only develops individual qualities, but it strongly influences the growth of social attitudes which affects the individual as member of group. To achieve this objective recreation provides opportunities to impart training and activities to use leisure time intelligently in a constructive manner. The early and continuous development of leisure attitude, habits, skills and knowledge, leads towards developing and educated judgment about recreation. The authorized educational institutions have realized that recreational programme affords an excellent medium for carrying on the learning process and for achieving objectives of education. Recreation therefore plays an increasing role in the curriculum of formal education and in the extra-curricular programme of an Institution.

From the concluding point of view, recreational activities are very important means of utilizing the spare time in fruitful activities which enliven mind and body and direct their superfluous energies into channels of constructive and national building work. However, as too much of everything is bad, people must not be over-strained while engaged in such activities otherwise their sense of joy would be adversely affected.

“I’ve fleeting memories of you,

Of poems you wrote.

I used to read your poems,

But lately, you’ve stopped writing.”

These lines show how we enjoy the company of people who are like us, share common interests, and stand by us through thick and thin, noticing each thing we do, and standing by even when they have no strength to deal with us. Such is friendship found on the common ground of shared interests and recreation. You must have how friends who slay together stay together, or friends who travel together, stay together. All this indicates one thing- finding friendship through recreation of a kind that absorbs the love of two people, fusing it together to form one tiny heart of friendship.

Author: Puja Verma, Coordinator (Grade IV-VIII)

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