Annual Projects: Innovative Practices Adopted For Students

school students project

Annual Projects: Innovative Practices Adopted For Students

Annual Projects: Innovative Practices Adopted For Students

Annual Projects: Innovative Practices Adopted For Students

Annual Projects: Innovative Practices Adopted For Students

Innovation and integration across various learning areas is the need of the hour and we at MRIS, Mohali appreciate this fact the most. In accordance with innovative practices, we believe that students should extend their horizon of knowledge and application out of their core curriculum along with their core subject areas.

Appreciating this fact, we at MRIS, Mohali have incorporated some Annual Projects in our school aligning with the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals. The different Annual Projects taken up by our students in this session (2019-20) are as follows:

  1. Fashion Design Industry (UNSDG: 8)
  2. Clean and Affordable Energy (UNSDG:7)
  3. Clean Water and Sanitation (UNSDG:6)
  4. Community connect (UNSDG: 1, 2 &4)
  5. Plastic Free Surroundings(UNSDG:15)

Fashion Design Industry:

In this Annual project, students are made aware of different types of clothing and various practices involved in the processing of clothes. Students are taken for industry visits to have hands-on experience of the same. They are also sensitised to develop respect and appreciation for the work of artisans and are involved in various activities where they learn to design their own fabrics and clothes, and most importantly they are taught the principals of entrepreneurship.

Clean and Affordable Energy:

In this Annual Project, students are apprised about various alternative sources of energy in lieu of depleting fossil fuels as a source of energy. Students undergo experiential learning in terms of collecting data, analysing data, researching on various alternative sources of energy. In addition to this, students are taken for visits to power plants to observe and experience the generation of energy from different sources of energy. They are encouraged to think innovatively and design their own projects to exploit renewable sources of energy.

Clean Water and Sanitation:

Under this Annual Project, students are sensitised towards the importance of water and are taught various ways of conserving water by involving in innovative practices like:

  • Recycling of wastewater
  • Water consumption
  • Legislation on groundwater extraction and rainwater harvesting
  • Sanitation service
  • Interaction with Water and Sanitation Support Organization (WSSO) 
  • Role of water governing body
  • Online registration of grievances

Community Connect:

MRIS, Mohali has adopted a government school in nearby village and students of our school collaborate with them for different activities like, setting up a toy bank, making a library with for their school by donating nice books and also taking up some innovative projects involving saving water, using renewable sources of energy and setting up of ICT lab to bring those students at par with technology where students learn values like empathy, togetherness, respect, care and appreciation by interacting with the students.

Plastic Free Surroundings:

To make the surroundings plastic-free, an Annual Project on ‘Plastic Free Surroundings’ has been given to students wherein work towards this goal. They are subjected to experiential learning based on 4R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover), where students work towards following practices of reducing plastic pollution and conduct workshops for making products by reusing plastic. Students are encouraged to come out with some innovative solutions to reduce plastic pollution around, for example, they have come up with ideas of setting up a Plastic Bank, and adopting a neighbourhood park, involving government officials for the same.