The Sustainable Development Goals are a collection of the global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in the year 2015 for our future. Building on the same principles, Manav Rachna International Schools have undertaken projects for students based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to inculcate the value of responsible global citizenship. Big Projects for Early Years and Annual Projects from Grades I-VIII have been incorporated in the curriculum with the same thought, the purpose of which is to raise awareness amongst future citizens and create better as well as responsible human beings. Aligned with the goals of UNSDGs, we are carrying out Big Projects in Early Years with an enquiry question… Big Question. The very first Big Project for Early Years at our schools was ‘Responsible Consumption of Electricity and Water’. More than a billion people, mostly in rural areas, live without the benefits of electricity and water. A major challenge is providing electrification and water rapidly enough to outpace the growing population. In order to create this awareness and appreciation for our privileges, the usage of electricity as well as water in our daily lives was discussed with children, the focal point being the importance of saving electricity, using natural light as well as solar energy. Taking shorter showers, turning off water when washing hands, brushing teeth, fixing the leaky faucets and much more, was discussed at length. The ongoing Big Project is regarding ‘Responsible Consumption of Paper’. Children are exploring various ways of using paper responsibly, as well as ways of reusing, reducing and recycling paper. Children are filling up survey sheets for data collection and comparing usage of paper from home to home. The values and skills being developed as a part of the process are innumerable and of great significance. Grades I-VII is carrying out Annual Projects in their respective classes. One of them is having access to clean water and sanitation which is the need of the hour, and our students understand the importance of consuming clean water as it is critical to survival on our planet and its absence can impact the health, across the world. Children are involved in the discussion, research, collaborative solutions to problems, and are gaining skills of a 21st-century learner during the course of the project. Furthermore, we are aware that our planet is drowning with plastic pollution. Educating our creative minds is of vital significance. Fight against plastic pollution is now recognized as a separate SDG. Students of Manav Rachna International Schools believe that preventing plastic from entering the environment avoids health risks. The greatest challenge facing humanity is poverty and hunger, which is being tackled through the Annual Project of ‘No poverty’ ‘Zero Hunger’- eradicating poverty in all its forms. This SDG is a bold commitment to finish and end poverty by 2030. Our children understand that the government has to target those living in vulnerable situations, increasing access to basic resources and services. ‘Ek Mutthi Daan’ by the students of Manav Rachna will further help in contributing their bit towards the society. Now is the time to fix the future. The time for change is NOW. Responsible Citizens Of the Earth Projects Based On UNSDGs