Session on Parenting by Dr. Roma Kumar
“The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day” Being a parent is no less than bliss; however, there can never be a more daunting task than to find a perfect way of parenting. Children learn more from what we are than what we teach. Therefore, it becomes imperative for us as adults to unlearn a few things and learn/acquire many new skills to model the personality we would like our child to be. This can only be achieved through balanced interplay of love and logic, and through building family communication. Keeping this in mind, a very fruitful and interactive session was taken by Dr. Roma Kumar, a renowned psychologist of Delhi-NCR at Manav Rachna International School, Sector 51 Gurugram for parents of Grade 8 students. She emphasized upon the importance of fruitful and positive communication with children every day. She emphasized on the fact that when a child is brought up in a family where he gets chance to express and explore; he/she develops into a confident and responsible individual. She answered a parent’s query on comparing children by saying that you can’t compare the sun and the moon, they will shine when it’s their time. Similarly, parents must help their children express and give them enough opportunities and support to realize their potential themselves. The session was very interactive with exchange of personal experiences and practical solutions.