Scholar Badge ceremony 2021
MRIS -51 Gurugram held its Scholar Badge ceremony recently to honour and felicitate the Scholastic achievements of the students on a virtual platform. This momentous day marked the recognition of the academic prowess of the students who proved that with sheer hard work and dedication anything is possible. The function commenced with the address of Principal Mrs. Alpana Baveja who motivated the students to always believe in themselves and know that something is always there inside them that is greater than any other obstacle and to keep striving always for greater heights. The most awaited Scholar Badge ceremony took off on a divine note with the nurturing of the Banana plant which is considered to be the most pious and blesses everyone with good fortune and prosperity. This was followed by a resonating solo musical rendition which captured the hearts of all as it inspired the achievers to keep soaring high and enjoy the glory for which they had worked so hard. Beaming with joy, the students received their hard-earned awards for their achievements and each one of their parents displayed the pride and joy as their ward was receiving this recognition. A harmonized dance performance was presented by the students which spellbound the audience and there were roars of cheers and applause online. The function ended with the Vote of Thanks proposed by the Academic coordinator who expressed her deep sense of gratitude to one and all.