
Transition from Primary school to the Middle school spells, Change. There is enormous transformation of dynamics of learning, individual and collaborative, activities of sorts,

The Middle School reverberates the ethos of Manav Rachna International schools. Here the students rolling in from the Primary school find themselves in an environment buzzing with higher level of academics, The young learner is envisaged to take small steps towards Self learning ,Inclusive Education, Innovative teaching learning pedagogies, amalgamated online comprehensive learning in a very conducive and collaborative way.

The Middle School aspires to strike a balance between the previous knowledge of the students and the raised paradigm in all the subjects. A multitude of activities, events and programs are introduced to kindle the spirit of learning in the minds of the curious young students. The school encourages every individual the freedom of expression and the freedom to be original. The Middle Wing accomplishes an adequate balance between scholastic and co-scholastic interests and in the quest of the learners by providing them equal opportunities for their all- round holistic growth. The students are encouraged to cultivate multitude skills by exposing them to various local, national as well as international platforms.” Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”


“The job you seek isn’t out there in some job description, it’s already inside you, aching to get out.” The limited choices of careers are a passe now. Gone are the days when the only career options to choose from were limited to a handful of well-known and respectable professions .Today its crucial to make children realise their potential at a very young age and not wait for them to reach seniority in school. In the Middle School ,students of grade eight are exposed to Career Counselling. This is organised to make the youngsters identify their strengths. Each individual today, has much more flexibility and varied options when it comes to choosing a right career and being successful in their area of interest. Out-of-the-box approach in all fields of learning, is the mantra of today!, When a 11-12 year old shows an inclination towards music, he certainly means it! The parents in present times choose to be supportive of the choices made. The young learners today have the choice of deciding upon a careers other than the conventional ones.

Our career counselling department organizes various career awareness programs for students through workshops and through classroom interactions. Experts from various professions and fields are also invited to interact with the students of grade eight.

The Middle school too like the Senior school, collaborates closely with Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies in giving exposure to our young students to a variety of Career options, they have the freedom to choose from.

As facilitators of students in the Middle School, our endeavour is to help them choose the right subjects to make suitable career choices. Individual and collective counselling session by our school counsellors with both the parents with their wards as per the appointment given by the class teacher are organised. Mindler’s Aptitude Test Report along with child’s academic and extracurricular achievements is discussed with parents and student together in these sessions.

Since The Middle School initiates Career Counselling,. Our counsellors and teachers are approachable and available for clearing all kinds of apprehensions arising in the minds of the parents and their wards.

Information is the key to success, anywhere and everywhere. Right information matters the most.


Soft skills, often known as “people’s skill” are personal skills that enable us to amicably engage in meaningful interactions with others.

In the Middle School the learners who have already been introduced to such attributes by their parents are made to recap , and further cultivate their dexterity in Soft Skills through workshops on the notion of interactive sessions, videos and stories, the online medium, teamwork and with the help of power point presentations. Real life experiences too are shared to inspire the children to focus on this ability.

Fundamentals of Soft skills such as Leadership Skills, Teamwork ,Communication Skills ,Problem-Solving Skills, Work Ethics, Flexibility/Adaptability, Interpersonal Skills are introduced .

Gradually the students of grade 6-8 are made aware of the viability of these qualities so that they themselves hone the ones they already possess and are open minded enough to develop those they need to. Soft Skills sessions have been a continuous endeavour of MRIS 46.

The need of the hour in all areas of work is technical skills and much more.Today, to get a good placement, you need refined skills to gel with your co-workers and the culture of the establishment. Therefore, the learner is trained in Middle school only to be enterprising and aspire for the best ,professionally and flourish in all they do.


The Pandemic has forced Schools and education institutions to move online. A new normal has been created i.e. teaching online. 5 or 10 years ago, this shift would have been very painful, mainly because internet bandwidth required for live, video classes were not available,. Today’s internet bandwidth made this a reality, however, online teaching has its own set of challenges

An offline environment is such where a teacher can see students together can pay attention to 40 students at one go.

If offline traditional methods of teaching are applied online, they can jeopardize (or limit) the success of the training.

There were issues such as providing informal social interactions, ensuring student attention and active participation. reduced face to face interaction and the online environment attention span, user motivation, class control etc when the transition from offline to online learning happened.

However, today Middle School can easily boast of a trained faculty and trained learners, online. Online tools are extensively used to improve the quality of interactive teaching learning. As the young inquisitive mind is quick to understand the nitty- gritty of technology most users take no time to get accustomed to this upsurge of pedagogy in schools. .

Online teaching is challenging but we at MRIS46 believe in facing trying tasks and trials. We also believe in looking at the positive aspect of a situation, however difficult it may be .It has been observed that students in online methods see faster learning and retention rates of students are higher. The flexibility to go back and forth, learn at one’s own pace, maintaining time flexibility, etc. all lead to better learning for students and hence better outcomes.

Online adoption in the Middle school along with the other sections of the institution has been at a break-neck speed. One thing is for sure, online education is growing and it is here to stay .Not only this, very soon hybrid classes are going to be introduced in grades 6-8 wherein both online and offline classes will be conducted, simultaneously.