Grade 10 Result
We are thrilled to congratulate the students of MRIS Mohali who have achieved outstanding results in their grade 10 exams! Alam Garg’s remarkable score of 98.2%, followed by Aarohi Anchal with 95.2%, and Paras Garg with 93.4% lead the way for this impressive group of achievers. We are also incredibly proud of Dhruv Issrani, Chaitanya, Anshuman, Sukhmani Randhawa, Agastya Raghav, Fateh Singh Gill, and Tanveer Singh, who all scored above 85%. Their hard work, dedication, and perseverance have paid off in a big way, and we know that their achievements are just the beginning of what they can accomplish. As you move forward into the next phase of your education and your lives beyond school, remember that your success is not just measured by academic achievements, but also by the qualities you develop along the way. We are confident that you will continue to challenge yourselves, pursue your passions, and strive for greatness in all aspects of your lives. Once again, congratulations on this remarkable achievement, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors.