Arbor Day Celebration
“God made trees in shining green across the world to spread his thoughts serene” Arbor Day is a special day celebrated throughout the world to raise awareness for protecting our natural wealth. During the celebrations of Arbor Day at MRIS, Ludhiana the students were sensitized to undo the damage and to contribute their bit in cultivating an environment of decency, quality and mutual respect for the entire humanity. The Early Years students were educated about the significance of trees through powerpoint presentations and videos. Reckless cutting down of this valuable asset and its aftermath were also explained and the children realized that trees can no longer be taken for granted rather planted frequently as an initiative towards our greener living. They enjoyed the nature walk with their tiny steps within the school campus and were excited to see the variety of flowers and trees around. A take home craft was also presented to every child to help them initiate the journey to save our environment and a memory to cherish. Principal Dr. Rupali Saini encouraged the students to plant and nurture trees. She also sensitized them to join hands and spread awareness around as a part of this noble endeavour of saving our Mother Earth.