Debate Competition by Employees Provident Fund Organization
“A good leader can engage in a debate frankly and thoroughly, knowing that at the end he and the other side must be closer, and thus emerge stronger.”
The making of a devoted citizen involves awareness of his surroundings and reformation through the unceasing development of Inter personal skills. At Manav Rachna, the teaching pedagogy revolves around the evolvement of its students through thoughtful discussions and vigorous participation.
The debate organized by the Employees Provident Fund Organization within the premises of Manav Rachna International School, Sector 14 was aimed just at that. With Corruption as its theme, the pertinent issue was promulgated by the two opposing teams who stood ‘For’ and ‘Against’ the motion.
The occasion was graced by the presence of the School Vice Principal, Dr. Shalini Bindra, the Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner Mr. Indraj Singh, and other esteemed officials. The debate embarked upon an invigorating journey with speakers presenting their points with great assertion and confidence. The guest of honor, Mr. Indraj Singh exhorted the students to be good citizens and uphold the tenets of righteousness and emerge as reformers.
Three best speakers were duly awarded certificates and trophies. School Vice Principal, Dr. Shalini Bindra congratulated the students on their confident demeanor and effective debating skills.